Water is the universal solvent, this
is what we all have learnt in school and we all know it is the truth.
Without water life would never have existed on this planet. It is this
greatest treasure on the planet which has been to sole reason of the
evolution of life. There are nine planets that have been discovered and
hundreds of undiscovered planets in the solar system. Every one of them
is nothing but a compilation of minerals and barren lands unlike the
planet earth which has everything. In fact it has more than everything
as it has water which is not present on any other planet and also it has
life which makes it the most distinguished planet in the entire
Today the biggest problem that is being faced by the
inhabitants of this planet is the protection of this unique gift, water.
Since our planet is known to be made of 75% of water, but only 2 – 3%
is fit for human use while the rest is present in the form of seas and
oceans which are heavily contaminated with minerals that make it beyond
human use unless filtered and treated which is a very expensive task.
And there are also no plants huge enough to filter the entire ocean. The
use of clean water needs to be restricted and controlled. Every step
that ensures no wastage of water should be taken and a very fine example
is the use of
liquid level indicator in the factories to keep a check on water and other liquids too.
huge demand of the factories can easily suck all the water from the
cities if they are allowed to use it without control. To ensure that the
factories use the resource within a limit, special governmental
institutions keep checking the factories regularly. They check the water
tanks where the water is being stored and also the ways water is being
disposed off. It is strictly prohibited to let the factory’s toxic water
fall in the water lines that supply clean water. Septic tanks are used
to store the waste water and then are emptied by the trucks that are
fitted with powerful suction pumps. The trucks carry the toxic water to a
landfill where the water is emptied. By using the
ultrasonic level indicator,
the level of waste water in the septic tanks is measured and emptying
it can be planned accordingly. It is believed that if water is not
protected, a time will come soon when this planet would also become like
the others in the universe without life.