Every living soul that goes out to
earn a living spends a bigger share of his time at the work place.
Workplaces need to be safe and properly equipped with all the safety
features that can help to make it safer. Factories are the need of the
modern age and there is no denying to the fact that they employ the
maximum number of people at the same time. Huge factories and small
factories, both house the maximum number of people who can fit in the
building at the same time. This is the reason why safety in the
factories is a very serious issue not only in the United States, but
also on the entire globe everywhere a factory is present.
liquids of various kinds, gases of different nature, solid materials and
many other kinds of raw and finished materials are used in the
manufacturing process. Each ingredient is present in the largest
quantity possible hence containing them is a very difficult task. The
most difficult materials to
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