The need to save water is becoming a
global issue rapidly. Although the sea levels are rising rapidly
annually, but the sea water cannot be consumed by humans unless it is
filtered thoroughly. Because of the presence of a very high level of
minerals in it, it is highly salty and cannot be even used to bathe and
wash. The increase of global population has changed the ways buildings
were built. Today the huge complexes which can house hundreds or even
more families at once, they cannot survive with only one water tank. The
modern building structures comprise of an underground water tank which
is bigger than any of the tank that is present on the roof. The
underground water tank is the best water reservoir for the building
because if the municipal water supply gets cut off due to any reason,
the underground water tank can provide the supply for a day or two until the matter is resolved.
an underground tank is not a child’s play. Even the most credible
builders can face severe problem to control the leaks. Leak is never an
option in the underground tank because the water seeping from it would
terribly weaken the foundations. As the tank is prepared, the process
known popularly in the maritime industry as testing
tightness of hatch with ultrasound is also repeated here. This test provides pinpoint accuracy to the location of the leaks present in the underground tank.
as the concrete takes some time to settle down and harden, the initial
test is often not taken very seriously but the locations are marked to
be tested again. When the concrete hardens and the scaffolding is
removed, the final test is conducted and when the location of leaks is
found, they are filled with cement to avoid any leaks. A layer of water
repellent paint is applied to the walls so that the concrete would not
suck in water. This protective paint helps the outer walls of the
underground tank to remain dry and the soil around it also does not get
After everything is completed around the water tank present under the ground, a final
hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing
is conducted to confirm it leak proof. The leak proof water tank is the
only solution to ensure that no harm would occur to the foundations in